Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Am I teaching bad habits?

So, Kennedy has this slight obsession with our coffee table. She loves to sit underneath it. At first it was fine, she fit beneath it perfectly. Now, however, she's gotten just that little bit taller and her head grazes the top. So she'll get under the table then sit up suddenly and hit her head. She doesn't hit it hard but it surprises her and she cries. Almost every time. Poor thing, I wish she'd learn this lesson faster and stop! Second picture would be of Kennedy eating cheerios off the floor. I've tried putting her in her highchair for this but she just likes to snack as she's playing, so she doesn't want to be tied down. So now she tries to pick up every little piece of anything that is on the floor and puts it in her mouth. Is it because I've "taught" her this with the cheerios on the floor or do all babies do this?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

10 months ago, and now...

This was Kennedy about 10 months ago.
This is Kennedy now.
Wow has my life ever changed. 10 months ago I was cleaning the house, going for walks, sleeping WHENEVER I WANTED TO, going out on dates, and just waiting for those contractions to start. Now I hardly ever clean the house, only walk with a stroller, a diaper bag, a snugli/cuddle wrap, a sippy cup, cheerios, toys and other entertainment, etc, etc.... , never sleep when I want to, and watch too much t.v. because we just don't get to go out on dates, and I'm hoping that I won't be getting any contractions for at least 2 years! I am not complaining, I wouldn't change my life for the world. I do wish, however, that I could get more uninterrupted sleep!! Kennedy is so much fun, especially when she's getting into the liquor! (Of course I'm joking. We now have locks on that cupboard!!) Every day is more fun than the previous one; I love these days and I need to remember that I'll never get them again.