Thursday, April 26, 2007

The joy of toilet paper!

Well, Kennedy has discovered toilet paper. I knew it wasn't going to be long since she loves to pull herself up to standing. I honestly don't mind her playing with it every once in a while; all it means is that the toilet paper roll doesn't look all that neat when you put it back. The problem we have here in our household is that she wants to eat it! What a silly kid. Anyway, here are a few pictures of Kennedy discovering toilet paper for the first time.

Friday, April 20, 2007

10 months already!!!

Well, Kennedy is officially 10 months old. Before you have your baby, everyone always tells you, "cherish every moment because they grow up too fast". You just don't understand the meaning of that until you have your own child. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. Sure, I'm sad that I'll be going back to work soon but that's not all. My baby is no longer a baby! I've said to Kevin a few times lately that it is hard to think of her as a baby; she is so independent. She is completely mobile, will not let anyone feed her and drinks from a straw! All she wants to do these days is stand, so before long she'll be walking and then she really won't be a baby anymore. Some days I miss my baby; the tiny, dependent baby I came home from the hospital with; she needed me for everything! Of course, I love this stage of discovery too; she's so inquisitive and wants to see/do everything. Every day is better than the last. Plus, she has such a personality that she's a blast to be around! Anyway, it's just so hard to believe that they really do grow up too fast. Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

mmmm, ciabatta buns!

Kennedy decided today that taking the pieces I was giving her wasn't enough. She wanted the whole thing. So I let her and then I photograhed it!

Happy Easter 2007!

Happy Easter to everyone! These are the Easter pictures we were able to snap this year. Kennedy does not sit still for very long anymore, so it was hard to get her to pose. And forget posing with the easter basket! All that "grass" would definitely have ended up in her mouth. We had a very good but very busy Easter weekend. It was really nice to get together with the family, and of course Kennedy was spoiled! She didn't get much chocolate (only one small Easter bunny) for which I was very glad. She certainly cannot eat it yet, so her parents would have had to and we don't need it!