Saturday, August 25, 2007

the move

this post must be sans pictures because we are now living at mom and dad's house and we don't have our computer set up yet. just wanted to update everyone on our situation.
we officially moved out of 585 windsor ave on aug 23. a bit of a sad day but it's all for a good cause. i mean, how can a old stinky house compare to a brand new house?? it cannot. and so, while it is being built, we live with mom and dad. Kennedy is having a bit of a rough time with it. she's confused about why we are always at grandma and grandpa's and having a rough time with bedtime. she's also acting up a bit during the day. this will pass, i know, but it can be so hard to take and have patience while it is happening. if you are reading this and are of the praying pursuasion we would love your prayers.
that's about it. how boring without pictures!! hopefully next time there will be some. by for now~!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

busy, busy, busy

Okay, I'm posting again! Wow, two nights in a row, I can hardly believe it. I don't really have a great subject but this one pretty much sums up our little monkey these days. Kennedy is sooo busy, she gets in to absolutely everything. Grandma Derksen had an idea to switch up the "no" every once in a while with "touche pas", which we thought was a good idea. It worked at first but soon "touche pas" became a fun game for Kennedy and she would laugh and go back to whatever it was she wasn't supposed to be doing. And now "no" has also become a laughing matter for her. I am afraid of the "terrible twos" if this is what one is already like!

Here are some pictures of her doing some good and some bad: climbing in and out of a box (a new favorite--good), playing with the phone and that open cupboard (good and bad) and jumping off the couch (good/bad). I shall explain. I am not a fan of her playing with the phone but I let her because it entertains her for quite some time. I'm always nearby though, making sure she's not pressing redial or calling Zimbabwe or something worse like 911. Open cupboard bad: we put all of our plastics and tupperware in one bottom cupboard so she could play with them, but that's not that cupboard. There isn't anything dangerous in there but it's not what I wanted!!! Again, "touche pas" and "no" is a game so I've started to give up on that cupboard being off limits. I would never get supper made otherwise. Jumping off the couch: good if we are around to watch her, bad if we aren't. So far she's not tall enough to get up on the couch herself but it won't be long and she'll just figure a way up; she's much too smart for her own good. Ahhh, it just keeps us on our toes and we love it!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

spaghetti night!

We have had spaghetti more than once since Kennedy started eating big people food, but this night was by far the most fun she, and we, have had thus far. There was sauce EVERYWHERE! I just had to share some pictures; enjoy!