Monday, September 24, 2007

September catch up

Well, life has finally settled down and we are now fairly settled in at Mom and Dad's house. So it is time to get blogging again! September has been a pretty good month. Kennedy has adjusted to living at Grandma and Grandpa's and loves seeing her grandparents every day. She has been teething this month, again, and now has all four canines! She has almost a full set of teeth now, and will only need her 2 year molars to make it a complete set. Getting her to agree to let us brush them has been a bone of contention lately. We have tried several different toothbrushes and it seems that she enjoys our electric toothbrush the best! She laughs because it tickles and I'm happy because she lets me in her mouth for longer than a second.
This month has been a busy one for us as well. We've had something up pretty much every weekend. We had a 25th wedding celebration out in La Broquerie the first weekend and then the next night we were at Celebrations dinner theatre. This was the first night Kennedy ever had a paid babysitter, and it went really well! It was a bit nervewracking for us at first because she and her babysitter had never met before but it was fine! Kennedy got along great with Melissa and even went to bed without a fuss. What a fabulous daughter we have!
September was also the month that we FINALLY turned Kennedy's car seat around to forward facing! I've been wanting to do so forever but the firemen at the fire station's wouldn't let us because she's so small. Well, we caught them on a good day because they let us that day! She really likes it and I love that I can just turn around and there she is! A couple of the pictures posted are of Kennedy being silly in her chair, with sunglasses and chewing on her jacket.
One day Kennedy and I went out to visit our friends JoEllen and Abby in Oakville with another friend Lani and her little guy Ajax. One of the pictures is of the three of them in their chairs at lunch. It was a really good day even though it was raining and we had to stay inside. There are plans for more of those days in the future.
And finally, friends of ours from Medicine Hat, Tyler, Rachelle and Abbi were out this past weekend for a wedding and we were able to spend part of an afternoon catching up with them. Kennedy and Abbi had a good time getting to know one another, playing with whatever was available in a very UN-child-proofed house! Fun for them, some tense moments for us parents. But a good time anyway!
So, September was a busy month but a good month. Here's to hoping October will be just as fun!