Saturday, June 9, 2007

Poolside fun!

Last weekend I decided it was time to bring out Kennedy's pool. It was FINALLY nice in Winnipeg and I was anxious for her to play outside. I got it set up early morning and filled it so it would warm up. Once she woke from her nap around 11:00 am I got her ready and out we went. Well, it was still much too cold and she really wanted very little to do with being IN the pool. This picture is of Kennedy the first minute she was in. That's as long as it lasted! The rest will be of her on the outside. She had fun, just not in the water like I'd hoped. The last picture is of Kennedy after trying to blow bubbles in the frigid water. She didn't like it too much but she kept doing it. Silly monkey.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Raining in Winnipeg

For the last couple of weeks it has been raining in Winnipeg so we have spent a lot of time indoors. I feel like I never get original shots of Kennedy when we're inside for so long so I haven't posted in a while. I don't want to bore my loyal blog readers with the same old pictures over and over again. Also, Kennedy really doesn't sit still long enough to have her picture taken. She is one busy girl. Her mother has a hard time keeping up and she's not even walking on her own yet! Wow do I have some fun in store for me.
So, in order we have Kennedy playing in her "house" (thanks Elie! I play with it every day!), sticking her tongue out for the camera, playing with a spoon and doing her usual tricks of knocking over the gate and trying to climb it. The fun never ends around our house, not with this monkey hanging around!

Never Cuter

How could I not share this picture? This is ultimately the cutest almost-one-year-old EVER.