Monday, April 26, 2010

10 months already

How can you be 10 months old already? It seems like just yesterday that you were born and now here you are, crawling, laughing and bringing joy to our lives every day. You are such a blessing to us Easton and we all look forward to the rest of your years.
Happy 10 month birthday bubby!!!
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Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yesterday i was able to pull off an amazing surprise party for Kevin's 30th birthday.  it was so fun planning and it went off without a hitch!  i coudn't have done it without my sister and Jeremy, Glenn and JoEllen and Adam coming early to tidy up the house and set up.  he seriously had NO idea!  he caught on as we were walking up to the back door because he could see balloons in the house that weren't there before but he still had no idea how many people were inside.  it was awesome.  we had a huge turn out, which was really great.  it is so nice to know so many people love Kevin and were excited to celebrate this milestone with him.  i can't wait to see what he's going to do for me.....he's got a lot to live up to :) 
i have no pictures but hopefully soon.  JoEllen took some with Jess' camera so hopefully she'll send them my way soon.
beforehand we went out for dinner to the Melting Pot restaurant on Sherbrooke.  YUM!!!!  we love fondue and it was delicious.  this was our second time, we were there the first time for our first dating anniversary.  it was just as good as we remembered it!